Рилският манастир е един от културно-историческите паметници в България, който е включен в списъка за световното наследство на Юнеско. Разположен на 1,147 метра надморска височина сред ухаещите иглолистни гори на планината Рила.
Рилският манастир се отличава с уникална архитектура. Отвън, с 24-метровите каменни стени на основните си сгради, които образуват неправилен петоъгълник, манастирът има вид на крепост. Затова поклонникът или туристът, който попада във вътрешността през една от двете железни порти, остава изненадан от мекотата на архитектурните форми: арки и колонади, покрити дървени стълби и резбовани чардаци, зад които са килиите – 300-400 на брой. В средата на калдъръмения двор в странна симбиоза съжителстват суровите бойници на Хрельовата кула и бароковите сребърни куполи на главната църква. В средата на вътрешния двор се издига най-старата сграда в комплекса – впечатляваща каменна кула, създадена от местния феодал Севастократор Хрелю през 1334-1335 г. Непосредствено до нея стои и малка църква, която е само няколко години по-млада (1343 г.). В по-нови времена (1844 г.) към кулата е добавена и камбанария. Приблизително от същия период датира и главната манастирска черква “Рождество Богородично”. Архитект е майстор Петър Иванович, който работи по нея межу 1834 и 1837 г. Храма е 5-куполен, с три олтарни ниши и два странични параклиса. Едно от най-ценните неща вътре е иконостаса със своята невероятна дърворезба. Стенописите са завършени през 1846 г. и са дело на много майстори, но само известния Захари Зограф се е подписал под своите рисунки. В църквата има и голям брой стойностни икони, създадени между 14-ти и 19-ти век.
Rila monastery is one of the cultural and historical monuments in Bulgaria, which is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage. Situated on 1.147 m altitude in the fragrant pine forests of the Rila Mountains.The monastery has a unique architecture. Outside, a 24-meter stone walls of the main buildings, which form an irregular pentagon, the monastery looks like a fortress. That's why when tourist enters inside through one of the two iron gates, is surprised by its architecture: arches and colonnades, covered wooden stairs and carved balconies, behind which are the cells - 300-400 in number. In the middle of the cobbled courtyard in the strange symbiosis of live raw fortress tower battlements and silver baroque dome of the main church. In the middle of the courtyard stands the oldest building in the complex - an impressive stone tower built by the local feudal Sebastocrator Hrelyu in 1334-1335, the Next to it stands a small church, which is only a few years younger (1343 ). In more recent times (1844) to the tower belfry was added. Around that time the monastery's main church "Virgin Birth." Master architect Peter Ivanovich, who worked on the adjustment between 1834 and 1837 Temple 5 domes, three altars and two side chapels. One of the most valuable things inside is the iconostasis with its incredible carvings. The murals were completed in 1846 and are the work of many artists, but only Zahary Zagraph signed his paintings. The church has a large number of icons created between the 14th and 19th centuries.

Rila monastery is one of the cultural and historical monuments in Bulgaria, which is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage. Situated on 1.147 m altitude in the fragrant pine forests of the Rila Mountains.The monastery has a unique architecture. Outside, a 24-meter stone walls of the main buildings, which form an irregular pentagon, the monastery looks like a fortress. That's why when tourist enters inside through one of the two iron gates, is surprised by its architecture: arches and colonnades, covered wooden stairs and carved balconies, behind which are the cells - 300-400 in number. In the middle of the cobbled courtyard in the strange symbiosis of live raw fortress tower battlements and silver baroque dome of the main church. In the middle of the courtyard stands the oldest building in the complex - an impressive stone tower built by the local feudal Sebastocrator Hrelyu in 1334-1335, the Next to it stands a small church, which is only a few years younger (1343 ). In more recent times (1844) to the tower belfry was added. Around that time the monastery's main church "Virgin Birth." Master architect Peter Ivanovich, who worked on the adjustment between 1834 and 1837 Temple 5 domes, three altars and two side chapels. One of the most valuable things inside is the iconostasis with its incredible carvings. The murals were completed in 1846 and are the work of many artists, but only Zahary Zagraph signed his paintings. The church has a large number of icons created between the 14th and 19th centuries.
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